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Saint George
Ours is the story of dedicated men and women whose sacrifices
have made St. George grow and flourish.
In 1925, eleven dedicated men of faith pled with Fr. George Aziz to establish a house of worship. Together they founded the Maronite Parish in Texas and the Southwestern United States - St. George Maronite Catholic Church.

St. George is the grain of wheat that was planted in the soil of San Antonio, bearing much fruit. It is the mustard seed that the Lord planted and it grew to become a large tree.
Today, the St. George community is still growing, proud of our past, celebrating our present, and building for our future. It is a story of faith, belief, heritage, and culture.


Father Charles Khachan
MLM, Pastor

Fernando Fernandez
Sports Activities & Gym Director

Thomas Billimek

Deborah Fernandez
Cultural Arts & Choir Director

Lisa Delgado
Youth Minister
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